"May our Spirits Soar" digital sketch by Erica Bapst

Sketch Time

Today was one of those days that I just wanted to be close to the kid.  I could have pulled some beads to work on While we watched shows together, but I decided it was a good day for sketching instead.  Digital sketching that is.  

As much as I love a hands on work environment, there is something so cool about the tech that this day in age has available.  I can sit on the couch and play with “watercolors” and “acrylics” and more, all on my iPad.  I love it, no prep, no mess, no material cost.  It is so much fun to have unlimited, guilt free sketch time.  

Most of the time I use the drawing apps to plan out real-life projects before I use costly materials.  For example, I “painted” out the plans on the iPad for the paintings I created for the FLCC Alumni show that was a couple months ago.  I wanted to plan out all of my colors to save time and costly supplies by figuring it all out digitally first.  However today I was just sketching for fun.

So here is one of my little sketches I played around with today.  Perhaps I will make and share some more in the future.  

Hope you had a good day today. Sending (((hugs)))

Stay Safe and Be Well,



April 30, 2020 by Erica Bapst
Moonlit night in Canandaigua

Moonbeams Home in a Jar

Last night I took this snapshot of the moon while I was out walking Penny. When I took it, I figured it would be nothing since the screen looked essentially black. On the walk home I had already completely forgotten I had taken it.  I was just scrolling through my photos this afternoon looking for something to work for today’s blog post.  And bam, there it was, the first one I saw and it actually had depth! I was shocked.  

Is it a masterpiece, heck no.  Does it even accurately portrait the evening sky from last night? That is also a big fat no.  The beautiful crescent moon that I was trying to capture was so bright against the crisp sky, all the camera could captured was a ball of light. Does it somehow speak to me?  That is where I can say yes.  

I love how it has an impressionistic quality.  The a dark and foggy focus, save the detail of the moonbeams bouncing off of the waxy pine needles has a mood. There are hints of a few stars lingering in the sky and the electric pole is sprouting in the corner to make sure I don't forget where I am.  It is detailed in a way that dreams sometimes appear.  You know the ones where everything is familiar to you, but nothing looks as it does in real life?   

So I'm not really sure where I'm going with this blog post.  It is not very eloquent, no particular inspiring thoughts.  This whole writing thing has been a bit of an experiment for me to get out of my own head.  I spend far too much time thinking only about jewelry and the business aspects that go along with it.  I thought that maybe regimenting myself to put something out there every day, regardless of it's worth as a piece of writing, would help me to de-clutter my mind, so to speak.  

I have been very touched that some of you have reached out to me about these little meandering thoughts.  I didn't really think anyone would even read this stuff, never-the-less have any kind of impact.  So thank you for taking the time to peek in on my thoughts each day, and sending an exchange of thoughts!  For those of you who have found some joy in these posts, I will try to keep going!

Please know, I in no way take myself seriously about any of this. I am just playing around with words, hoping to spark a little something in myself.  I'm always looking for a muse, even in the mundane.... like this dark and blurry photo. ;) It makes me smile and think of the song. "Would you like to swing on a star? Carry moonbeams home in a jar.  And be better off than you are..." 

Wishing you moonbeams for your jar. 
Sending (((hugs))) 

April 29, 2020 by Erica Bapst
A bee with its springtime feast of dandelion

Busy Bee

First Feast
Exploding with sunshine
Considered nothing to most

The beauty is there, look closely.
The importance is of great magnitude.
To lose one is to lose the other
then all would be lost.

Let them feast, and then so shall we. 

Sending you sunshine and virtual (((hugs))) 



(PS google the importance of dandelions, it is all fascinating, I got lost reading about them this weekend.  )


April 28, 2020 by Erica Bapst
Erica Bapst's mud boots as she goes fossiling on Canandaigua Lake

Ripple Effect

Friday I spoke about how I was really struggling creatively that day.  I worked hard to push through those feelings and managed to produce two pieces of jewelry.  When I finished them late Friday night I did a little victory dance in my mind.  It felt like I had won a major battle that day.  Little did I know that those pieces would be received so well on Saturday when I posted them online.  That small amount of creativity took every ounce of energy I had on Friday, yet the energy rippled forth, triple fold the next.

Everyone seemed to love the pieces and suddenly I realized that the first chance I got on Monday I would need to embark on making some similar pieces to ride those waves that were created over the weekend.  (I am currently in the process of finishing the up - stay tuned)

So I guess what I'm trying to say is, that even if all you have is a a small pebble to throw, don't give up and hide it away in your pocket.  Toss it out into the tide and the ripples will reach farther than you think.  That effort, even if you think it may come to very little, may yield a surprising outcome. You never know what good things could happen unless you take that first step.

Wishing you a wonderful day.  Stay Safe and Be Well.

Sending (((Hugs)))


Erica -

PS: This photo is a quick snapshot of my mud boots breaking the waves and causing some new ripples, as I snuck off today to do an hour of fossiling.  I didn't find too much except one very unusual little pebble I am looking forward to putting into a pendant soon. It was however simply wonderful to stand on the shore of our beautiful Canandaigua Lake for this first time in months.  Oh what a feeling.

April 27, 2020 by Erica Bapst
The beginnings of a new pearl and brass pendant by Erica Bapst

Dipping into the Well

I'm not going to lie.  Today, I'm having to dip down really deep to be productive, both in staying disciplined enough to keep up with these daily writings as well as working on new jewelry pieces. 

Some days, the creativity feels like it abandons me. Poof, the well is dry.  I know it is only temporary, but when it happens, it is still kind of scary.  When you wake up, and that one thing you rely on about yourself seems no where to be found, it feels like all is lost.  It always returns after a few days of creative rest, giving my brain a chance to compile all of its thoughts again.  

So today, I will try to work a little on this piece that I had already planned out, and then put all of the work on hold over the weekend.  I'm going to sign off on the blog for the weekend too.  (Unless inspiration sparks) 

This weekend, may we all find the rest and inspiration we seek to reignite what brings us joy.

Sending Love and (((hugs)))

Be Well,




April 24, 2020 by Erica Bapst
Forgotten Things

Forgotten Things

Sometimes forgotten things can yield a surprising wealth of oppritunity.  This poor potato was lost in my cupboard, and here it is springing with life.  I will now use it to try and plant some potatoes in my little urban garden.  I am experiencing the same renaissance with my jewelry supplies.  Over the many years of having the store,   I ordered so many pieces and parts it is kind of ridiculous.  When I moved from the storefront to my home studio, a lot of items became hidden away and forgotten. 

Perhaps it is the fit of Spring cleaning I have embarked on coupled with my urge to consume less,  finding these bits and bobbles has been ever-so exciting.  With most of my art shows for the year getting canceled, I have been uneasy about ordering any new materials anyway. Considering all of these factors, making the most of what I already have has very quickly become my mantra.  While unearthing some different boxes, bags and drawers full of beads, I found much of it was swept aside simply because they needed sorting and I never had time.  Time is in more abundance than ever right now, so I'm going to invest in some sweat equity.  

The other fun thing about finding these forgotten treasures has also been the little notes about design ideas tucked in with them.  It is like I have come across a bounty of planted seeds that were all growing in the dark.  It is time to harvest!

Time to get my hands dirty, both in the garden and the studio.  

Wishing you a productive day.

Be Well.  Sending (((Hugs)))



April 23, 2020 by Erica Bapst
Happy Earth Day from Adorn

Earth Day

The other night I took Penny on her bedtime walk.  As we shuffled down the sidewalk, I looked up through the parting of the tree lined streets.  I don’t usually look up at night because the street lights drown out everything in the sky.  This night was different.  There was a piercing light (Venus), unlike anything I have seen in the city sky before.  Upon closer inspection, this brilliant planet was not the only light in the sky.  It was accompanied by myriads of stars.  For the first time ever, I was able to clearly make out full constellations while standing in the middle of town. 

I quickly went back into the house and called for my daughter to get a coat on.  We were going to take a quick drive to the edge of town where the man made light fades away.  I wanted her to get an even better look.  This poor kid has lived a city slicker life.  She has had little experience of simple joys like a fully starlit sky.  I have always regaled her with stories of sitting out at night and watching satellites go by as I waited to see meteorites.  I would talk about the incomparable night skies I had the privilege to witness while I spent several Summers working deep in the wilderness of Maine.  How up there, on a clear night, the Milky Way would show so brightly.  It felt like you could reach out and grab handfuls of the galaxy's stardust as if it were raining down upon the hills.  Meanwhile all she has ever experienced is the nearly imperceptible flecks of light that occasionally peek through the air and light pollution.  I don't think she ever believed my stories.

So we hopped in the car (Much to my husbands disagreement - to be fair - with the unnecessary travel order on, he was right.  However, this seemed very necessary.)  We drove a couple of miles till the surroundings went black, and I pulled into a roadside park.  She was star stuck to say the least.  I pointed out a few constellations which she had only ever heard about but never witnessed.  We quickly drank it all in.  After a few minutes, I had to convince her to go for fear of getting in trouble for being out and about.  She said she wished she could just stay and gaze at them all night.  I was in full agreement.

For as much horrible trauma that is happening around us, this Earth day feels special.  I'm sure, like me, you have seen the stories about how mother nature has been given the chance to do some healing in this short time.  This story about the clean and clear skies was one of the major ways I have experienced this healing first hand. I hope you get to take a moment to notice all of the beauty that is happening around us as we humans hit pause. Let's watch together as nature steps back out into the spotlight, and shows us how glorious it can be.  I am definitely going to try to learn from all of this and see how I can continue trying to conserve after the new normal resumes. 

I want the next generation to be able to bask in starlight too.   

Stay Safe, Be Well.  Sending  (((Hugs)))



April 22, 2020 by Erica Bapst
Rainy day window, looking through the veil of the sheers in the livingroom

Rainy Days

As much as I talk about longing for sunny days and blue skies, there is a certain relief that always washes over me on a rainy day.  I don’t know if it is the drowsy light that filters through the living room sheers, or the improvised rhythm of the water tapping on the roof of my studio (or in this morning’s case - hail)  Either way, it is almost as if the rain gives me permission to pause.  

I have this problem where I tend to never stop working.  Even when I am sitting on the couch watching something with the family, more often than not, I still have a project in my lap that I can work on from there.  Every now and again, the rain comes during a quiet time in the house, and I just sit and listen and let my mind wander.  For those brief moments I have given myself permission to just be. To be nourished by the moment, just as the rain does for the garden.  

As I finish these thoughts, the sun has peeked through the clouds, and a bird has begun to sing outside my window.  All of it is lovely.  All of it is welcome.  It takes one to appreciate the other.

Wishing you a peaceful moment today.
Be well.  Sending (((hugs)))



April 21, 2020 by Erica Bapst
Think Spring

Think Spring

I am always on the lookout for inspiration.  This weekend I came across this beautiful little robin’s egg.  I felt sad that it had fallen from its nest somewhere high in the branches of one of the old trees on Main St.  It looked so lost, but there was nothing to be done except admire its fleeting beauty.

I’m hoping to make some robins egg inspired jewelry this week. Stay tuned. 

Ok everyone, let’s think Spring!  The sun was out today, but we still need warmth.  It’s buuuurrrrrrr out there right now! I think we could all use a nice warm day.

Sending virtual (((hugs)))

Be Well,



April 20, 2020 by Erica Bapst
Cherry blossoms as found Mid April in Canandaigua NY


Bright eyes and perfect petals

Gaze upon the splendor

Of Springtime’s light

Dressing every surface

in the brilliance of life anew.


Calling to me with every step

Follow the breeze and birdsong

Get lost in the moment

While all the world is on hold

Breath deep the sweet Spring air

And be enveloped in its mystery


Sending Love (((hug)))



April 19, 2020 by Erica Bapst