Little Body, Big Heart

Little Body, Big Heart

Going for something a little lighter today.  It is Saturday and time for the family to hang together, so I'm not going to spend too much time writing.  What better way to still deliver the daily dose of joy that introducing this sweet face.  

Many of you may already know Penny from the days as a shop dog at the storefront.  She just had her 6th birthday last week.  It is crazy how time flies. She is my little shadow.  Even when I think she is not paying any attention to me, she is never too far away, and always "keeping me safe" 

Her favorite "job" is patrolling the neighborhood through the living room windows from the comfort of "her" chair.  It is really funny.  A few years ago, I purchased a really super comfy recliner, and that was going to be my chair.  A place to unwind.  Well, that never-ever happened.  From the moment the chair came into the house, Penny claimed it for her own.  She sits in from the moment she gets up till we take her to bed.  She watches out the windows all day and tells everyone who walks by that she is here.  She is very good at her job (Bark! Bark!) lol.  

So anyway, Penny wants to bark a happy weekend to you. 

Be Well and Stay Safe. Sending virtual (((hugs)))



April 18, 2020 by Erica Bapst
Erica Bapst Designs, Erica's favorite hammer.

Artists Make Life Beautiful

Today I want to give a shout out to all of the artists and makers out there.  So many artists you know and love, work their craft full time.  It is that commitment that really puts the soul into every piece they create, as well as the beating heart of every local community. 
As you may or may not know, most (if not all) the venues that keep these creatives in business have closed and events have been canceled some of which as far out as August.  That is a real detriment to the livelihoods of almost every artist I know.  Please, as you shop online for your gifts and other pick-me-ups, search out your favorite artists online (or if they are old school, give them a call).  Help keep the art and local small business vibrant.  It would be a beautiful thing for you to consider. 

If you would like some inspiration, here is a list of some of the wonderful artists in the greater Finger Lakes Region and Western New York. I am sure they would love to hear from you.   Some I have been friends with for years, some I have recently become acquainted with through art shows or social media. I have created a link to each artist so you can check out their work and get in touch.

Please know, if I accidentally left out your name, I mean no ill-will, there are just too many wonderful creatives in our wonderful community to list them all. I spent over 3 hours on this list...I had to move on and make some more jewelry 😂   

I don't know what I would do without this lady. She is the greatest friend anyone could ask for 💕

I'm sure many of you remember Hannah.  She was my rock for may years at Adorn.  She is super amazing and you need to check out her work.
April 17, 2020 by Erica Bapst
Homemade quiche and apple tart from scratch

Living Inside the Box - Thinking My Way Out.

Before life got tossed upside down, I used to visit the grocery store every few days.  We never stockpiled food, and I was never able to plan ahead more than one night, much less have the imagination to see two weeks of meals at a time.  This week, as I am beginning to run low on supplies and dreading the thought of heading out, I had to get creative.

This act made me think about my grandparents.  They were depression era children that started out their adult lives at the height of WWII.  Conservation, hard work and creativity was ingrained in every sense of their being.  They knew how to.....honestly, it seems like anything and everything, and they could do it all really well.   They were smart, inventive, and very hard working.  By comparison, I look at myself who grew up in the days of ease and excess and find myself a very-VERY pale comparison of their skills and accomplishments.

It is funny how just like in art, life can gain its greatest creativity and vision when put inside strict parameters.  It is like if you are trapped in the box, you are forced to think a way out of it.  Perhaps that is the greatest problem about living in the time of instant gratification - we take the path of least resistance and forget the imagination within us.   These past few weeks have been a great exercise in thinking outside of the box while being stuck inside of it.

Just like the food scenario, I have also been working very hard to utilize the same concept with my jewelry making supplies.  I want to see if I can make it through most of the year without buying anything new.  I am trying to use what I have in creative ways and stretch the materials as far as I can go.  I have a limited supply of metal stock, clasps, earring wires, earring posts, chain, etc etc.  In contrast, I have absolutely no shortage on beads.  No exaggeration, I probably have miles of them.  So you are going to see a resurgence of bead work from me and well as a mixture of bead and metal work. #UseWhaChaGot

Over the past year or so, I have focused primarily on the metal work for various reasons.  One of which is the art shows don’t like to see bead work, and art shows is where the sales are... that is until now.  All of my shows for the first half of the year have been canceled, and every day I hear about shows further out in the future canceling too.  To keep the business alive, I have started doing what I really should have done right off the bat when I closed the brick and mortar - that is pour all of my focus into the online shop.  In doing that, I can showcase any work I choose, be it bead or metal.  So far it has been a blast.  I had kind of fallen asleep to the fact that deep down, I truly love beads. It has also been a lot of fun to work within the parameters of limited supply.  I have stretched my way of thinking and have started to go beyond the mode of instant gratification. I could not be happier with the designs that have resulted so far.  Just like my food dilemma yesterday.  

So here we are, back where I started with this drivel.  I looked around my kitchen, the cupboards and fridge are starting to look bare.  I found some bruised apples no one wanted to eat, and I decided to make tarts with them as it was not enough for a pie.... but I really didn’t want to go through the work of making crust for a couple bites of apple tart.  “Oh wait!” I thought, I have a small bit of leftover Easter ham that I didn’t know what to do with.  Yes this is how my brain worked - apples + pie crust + ham = dinner and dessert.  I had just enough ingredients to make a quiche. Now I am not known for being much of a cook.  I make a lot of spring mix salad based dinners and frozen pizzas in this house.  So making a quiche from scratch is a reach.  But hey, if there was ever a time for me to grow in the kitchen, it’s now.  As I made the pie crust from what I remembered to be my grandmothers recipe, all I could do was smile.  I am no where near the person they were, but perhaps taking the time, effort, conservation, imagination, and love to make this meal (complete with desert) I would be one step closer.  

Sending virtual (((hugs)))

xoxo, Erica       

PS -It turned out wonderfully ❤️

April 16, 2020 by Erica Bapst


Small beginnings

The imperceptible seed

Humble and unsuspecting

Breaks forth when we weren’t looking.


Mighty and brilliant

The green contrasting

With the dark earth below

Stretching ever closer to the suns warm rays.


What will you become?

Sustenance for man

Or for other creatures of the earth

Tender leaves of life

Grace my garden path.


Hope you find a way to break ground today.  Whether it be conquering something as simple as that pile of laundry you have been ignoring 🙋🏻‍♀️ (Guilty) or taking it a step further and reach toward your own personal ray of light.  

Let’s find that little accomplishment together and make today a good day. Sending virtual (((hugs))).




April 15, 2020 by Erica Bapst
Blue Skies and Pampas Grass

Time Flies

I just realized today that it has been years since I updated my blog posts.  How did that happen? Time is a funny thing. Today I am going to start on a new adventure in blogging.  I’m going to try to do a little something daily.  I just want to add a spot of sunshine into the world wherever I can.  This blog page seems like the right format. 🌞 Today I wanted to share the snapshot of the impossibly blue sky that my daughter and I witnessed along with a little recount of our walk.  

First off - to those of you who are essential workers, I tip my hat to you.  Thank you for keeping us going. 

For me, working as a studio artist, being stuck at home is nothing out of the ordinary.  Yet somehow it can still feel a little suffocating at times.  To help beat back the blues, my daughter and I have taken to going for a nice long walk every day (weather permitting).  We live right in the heart of Canandaigua, so the typical scene is houses, sidewalks and pavement.  A couple of weeks ago however, we stumbled upon an oasis that was just a stones throw from home.   We were overjoyed.  I grew up on the edge of town, and still long for those days of having an endless backyard that fades into fields and woods.  I am a nature girl at heart. With our new find, we can sit and hear almost nothing but birds and the winds whistling through the trees. For a few moments we can forget everything around us and get lost in natures chorus.  We walk there ever couple of days and soak in the atmosphere that nature has created.  I'm in love with the biodiversity in that small patch of land.  I'm sure I will be sharing many more vignettes of this place in the coming weeks and months.  Especially as everything begins to spring to life and change throughout the seasons.  It is a little slice of heaven, hidden among the city streets.
With that sentiment, I wish you all a sense of peace.  May you all find your own little escape while we wait this thing out.  Sending virtual (((hugs))) to you all.



April 14, 2020 by Erica Bapst
Spring has Sprung, celebrating with new window displays

Spring has Sprung, celebrating with new window displays

If you are anything like me, you are itching for the weather to change; for the blue skies to emerge from behind the oppressive grey that seems ever-present in our lives this time of year.  I was fortunate enough to get away for a week in February, bask in some sun and gaze into the many colors of Sarasota FL.  Per usual, I was filled with inspiration and the desire to bring some of that warmth and color to the store windows in hopes to brighten the days of everyone in town.  

This year my particular influence was our visit to the Marie Selby Botanical Botanical Gardens.  Though we travel to Sarasota nearly every year, this was my first time witnessing the overwhelming beauty that is their conservatory.  It is the most lush experience.  Every square inch is cascading with orchids and bromeliads of every kind, unlike anything I have ever seen. We were also fortunate enough to visit during the Marc Chagall exhibit with paintings that have never before been on public display.  It was a very moving day, and I wanted to bring a piece of that memory home with me to share. 

Marie Selby Botanical gardens with marc chagall stained glass

 Waterfall of orchids at Marie Selby Botanical Gardenslarge leaf at Marie Selby Botanical Gardensamazing flower at Marie Selby Botanical Gardensorchids at Marie Selby Botanical Gardens

Now - how do I filter that experience into a window setting?  I knew I wanted to replicate the cascading and climbing effect that was so stirring inside the conservatory.  So the first thing I did was pour through the supplies I already had at the shop.  I am very big on creating something from almost nothing, as well as recycling props in inventive ways to conserve precious work time and material resources.  I found a bag of flowers that I had created from coffee filters and paperclips back in 2013.  I think I have now used these flowers in possibly 4 window displays.  :)  Every time they have an incredibly different feel.  I decided they have worked so well in the past, lets give them an update!

The only new piece for this window was the creation of the "botanical" leaves.  I really wanted to keep a very painterly feel for the entire display, so I decided to watercolor more coffee filters to accomplish a cohesive look.  *side note - if you every build window displays - coffee filters are so great!  they are durable, easy to color, easy to construct sculpted shapes with, don't seem to yellow in the sun (the flowers have easily spent a cumulative 6 - 8 months in the bright sunshine over the course of four years) and the best part, they cost basically nothing! 

adorn jewelry canandaigua spring display window detailadorn jewelry canandaigua spring 2017 display window left

I built the "vines" to create the "botanical wall" with those coffee filter flowers and leaves on a few lines of white Christmas lights.  Overall pretty simple, yet I think quite effective.  I love the feeling it evokes.  

adorn jewelry canandaigua display window right spring 2017adorn jewelry canandaigua display window night

Here is the contrast of the day vs. night.  The glow of the tiny lights through the leaves is magical in person.  I'm sorry my glare-ridden photos don't do it justice.  You will simply have to come and visit me so you can see it for yourself ;)

adorn jewelry canandaigua, spring 2017 display windows 

XOXO ~Erica

April 06, 2017 by Erica Bapst
Vivid Bridal Romance; A Styled Photo Shoot

Vivid Bridal Romance; A Styled Photo Shoot

Recently I was invited to bring a selection of my bridal jewelry to a styled photo shoot for Buffalo/Rochester Indie Weddings.  It was very snowy day filled with an incredible group of ladies with great spirit and enthusiasm for their businesses. Please familiarize yourself with each of them, I have included all of their info at the bottom of the page.  I could have never accomplished anything like this without these wonderful, talented women!  Each business offers something that is sure to brighten your day!  

Today I want to share the fruit of this beautiful collaboration. Each piece of my featured jewelry is available online (while supplies last in the case of the rhinestone jewelry) I have included the links to the items below each photo.  

The experience created by the Buffalo/Rochester Indie Weddings community along with these photos is sure inspire you for your big day.  I hope you can join us on March 26 for a unique bridal show experience.  For more info on the bridal show please visit their site.  Enjoy! #partyonbrides  :)

Rochester Indie Weddings Bridal Show at Westminster Rochester Indie Weddings Member, Erica Bapst Designs, Adorn Jewelry and Accessories, Canandaigua NY

Modern Romance bridal earrings and Wrapped up in Lobe Bracelet by Erica Bapst Designs, Model: Olivia Staley. Photo: Natalie Sinisgalli Photography, Venu: Inn on Broadway, Hair: Special Occasion Hair Design, Dress: Lovely Bride Rochester, Makeup: Sunnless 2 Go
Modern Romance Bridal Earrings On Model Olivia Staley
Golden Gem art deco inspired bracelet on model  Emma Pratt, photo by Natalie Sinisgalli Photography, flowers by Buds & Blooms 716, headpiece by B in a Bonnet
Golden Gem Bracelet by Erica Bapst Designs. Photo: Natalie Sinisgalli Photography, Dress: Lovely Bride Rochester, Flowers: Buds & Blooms 716
Golden Gem Bracelet by Erica Bapst Designs, Styling: Rochester Indie Weddings, Venue: Inn on Broadway, Photography: Natalie Sinisgalli Photography,  Wardrobe: Lovely Bride Rochester NY, Hair/Makeup: Special Occasion Hair Design, Makeup/Nails: Sunless 2 Go, Floral: Buds & Blooms 716, Rentals: Revival Vintage Rentals, Invitations: Louelle Design Studio,  Model: Olivia Staley
 Golden Gem bracelt in black by Erica Bapst Designs, Model: Olivia Staley, Photo: Natalie Sinisgalli Photography, Dress: Lovely Bride Rochester, Handmade Wedding Invitations: Louelle Design Studio, Hair: Special Occasion Hair Designs, Makeup: Sunless 2 Go, Venue: Inn on Broadway, Flowers: Buds & Blooms 716, Furniture and Prop Rentals: Revival Vintage
Golden Gem Necklace by Erica Bapst Designs, Model: Olivia Staley, Photo: Natalie Sinisgalli Photography, Hair: Special Occasion Hair Design,
Golden Gem Earrings bu Erica Bapst Designs, Model: Olivia Staley, Photo: Natalie Sinisgalli Photography, Hand Made Wedding Invitation: Louelle Design Studio, Venue: Inn on Broadway, Hair: Special Occasion Hair Desing, Makeup: Sunless 2 Go, Dress: Lovely Bride Rochester
Classic Cubic Zirconia Bracelet from Adorn Jewelry and Accessories, Photo: Natalie Sinisgalli Photography, Flowers: Buds & Blooms 716
Classic CZ bridal bracelet from Adorn Jewelry and Accessories, Model: Emma Pratt, Photo: Natalie Sinisgalli Photography, Venue: Inn on Broadway, Furniture Rental: Revival Vintage Rentals, Flowers: Buds & Blooms 716, Dress: Lovely Bride Rochester, Belt: B in a Bonnet, Hair Special Occasion Hair Design, Makeup: Sunless 2 Go, Styling: Buffalo / Rochester Indie Weddings 
Classic Cubic Zirconia bridal bracelet from Adorn Jewelry and Accessories, Model: Emma Pratt, Photo: Natalie Sinisgalli Photography, Furniture Rental: Revival Vintage Rentals, Hair: Special Occasion Hair Design, Makeup: Sunless 2 Go
Magnificence rhinestone bridal earrings from Adorn Jewelry and Accessories, Model: Olivia Staley, Photo:  Natalie Sinisgalli Photography, Dress: Lovely Bride Rochester, Furniture Rental: Revival Vintage Rentals, Venue: Inn on Broadway, Hair: Special Occasion Hair Design, Makeup: Sunless 2 Go, Styling: Rochester Indie Weddings
Styling: Rochester Indie Weddings, Venue: Inn on Broadway, Photography: Natalie Sinisgalli Photography, Videography: Julia Hart Video Photo, Wardrobe: Lovely Bride Rochester NY, Hair/Makeup: Special Occasion Hair Design, Makeup/Nails: Sunless 2 Go, Floral: Buds & Blooms 716, Rentals: Revival Vintage Rentals, Invitations: Louelle Design Studio, Accessories: B In A Bonnet, Jewelry: Adorn Jewelry and Accessories, Models: Olivia Staley & Emma Pratt

See the Buffalo / Rochester Indie Weddings "Vivid Bridal Romance" Styled Shoot in it's entirety here ->

Check out all who contributed to this styled shoot.

Models: Olivia Staley & Emma Pratt

Web Sites:

Styling: Rochester Indie Weddings

Photography: Natalie Sinisgalli Photography

Jewelry: Adorn Jewelry and Accessories

Videography: Julia Hart Video Photo

Wardrobe: Lovely Bride Rochester NY

Hair/Makeup: Special Occasion Hair Design

Makeup/Nails: Sunless 2 Go

Floral: Buds & Blooms 716

Rentals: Revival Vintage Rentals

Invitations: Louelle Design Studio

Accessories: B In A Bonnet

Venue: Inn on Broadway



March 18, 2017 by Erica Bapst
Inspiration Mash-Up.  Putting together the new window.

Inspiration Mash-Up. Putting together the new window.

I can't believe four months have passed since my last blog post.  (so much for that resolution of keeping up to date on the postings ;) lol. 

Since the last time we spoke I guess a lot has kept me busy.   I enjoyed some time off with my family, worked dilligently on updation my bridal selections and I officially launched my new Ginkgo Collection, (I hope to post more about that soon.)   For today though, I want to talk to you about my new window - which I am loosely titling "Mary Poppins visits Roseland for the Relay for Life's Carnival for a Cure"  I know, I's a bit of an odd concept. (And the event is actually being help at the Civic Center on April 29 - I liked the fantasy of bringing roseland back for the event ;)  

When I first told my husband, I think he thought I was nuts....but in the end, I think visually it all works.  Here is the journey as to how I arrived at such a strange mash-up of ideas :)

(I apologize in advance on the length of this post - I really wanted to include all of the inspiration and process of making that went into this display)

About a month ago I was approached by a Relay for Life committee member about this years event.  They were hoping for downtown businesses to decorate their windows in purple and incorporate the theme "Carnival for a Cure" to help spread the word and celebrate their cause.  

Sounded like fun! - but then I got stuck.  

Creative block........ ugh - the worst.  

My hope was to have the window all put together before I went away with my family to Florida.  That soooo did not happen.  I had no clue what to do. We went away and the windows had to stay the same until we returned.

There is something wonderful that happens when you step away from everything, just relax and take your mind off the things you toil over.  Somehow, inspiration strikes and all the pieces seem to magically float together.  We were fortunate enough to experience a great many things on our trip, but three things specifically served as the springboard to my imagination that finally solved the puzzle of what to do about this window.  

Herrmann's Royal Lipizzan Stallions

The first to start the influence was visiting the Herrmann's Royal Lipizzan Stallions home outside of Sarasota FL.  The story of these beautiful horses is an amazing one.  You should check them out if you don't already know.  My daughter was extremely taken with them during the "Airs above the Ground" practice.  The image of the distinguished animals danced in my head for days.


Later in the week we visited the Ringling College or Art and Design  - at my daughters request.  Yes she is only 9, but she has been dead set for years that she wants to attend this school to become a Disney animator (specifically Pixar) Every time we visit Sarasota, she has to go and visit "her future school".  This time a kind student personally took her through the animation classroom halls and she had the chance to check out a traditional animators desk.  Here I started to think that I needed to create a window that needed some whimsy and perhaps a nod to my daughters love of animation. Her sense of aspirations was very inspiring to me. But I still had not quite had the full "ah-ha!" moment.  

And then....we surprised little one with a day at Disney on her birthday.  As we passed through "Main St USA"  and waited to meet Mary Poppins, the full spark hit me!  That ultimate charm and fictional turn of the century nostalgia we were suddenly immersed in could so easily be fused with our little city.  It was then that I realized we needed Mary Poppins to visit Canandaigua to participate in the Relay for Life Carnival for a Cure. In my mind the event was naturally being held in our collective nostalgic memory that is the long-lost Roseland Amusement Park.  

I went straight t work when I returned to work on Thursday. First things first, I needed to gather my inspirational references. We already live and work in a real life "Main St USA" so that part was already taken care of ;)  After visiting Herrmann's Royal Lipizanns I knew the centerpiece needed to be the white stallion carousel horse I remembered from Roseland's carousel (1909  PTC #18 - Thank you to for having such an extensive history on this work of art as well as detailed images of this beauty.)

Carousel horse that used to be at Roseland

Next, I needed Mary Poppins references - specifically from the chalk drawing fantasy scene.  This would bring in the animated whimsy I wanted to capture while also fitting in the fantasy time-capsule of 1909 as well as the carnival and carousel aspect.  


Let the fun begin!  I always start a window with a general concept sketch to try to figure out the scale and general placement of the big elements I wish to incorporate. 

Window concept sketch

As with most creative endeavors, the final product strays a bit from the initial sketch, but every idea needs to start somewhere!  From here I began construction of the carousel horse.

carousel horse sketch starting to paint the carousel horse

working out the details of the carousel horse carousel horse after being cut out

I used a large sheet of white faced corrugated cardboard (thanks to my Father-In-Law for the cardboard) to create the painted horse.  From sketch to full cut out this took roughly a full day to complete.

Next up, create the paper Mary Poppins inspired dress.  Of course the one main difference is for this event...she needed purple accessories instead of the original red :)

The dress is constructed entirely of coated paper dropcloth, some white tulle I have used in many of my windows over the years, staples, ribbon and a touch of hot glue.   Also I finally had the perfect opportunity to use this great antique hat my Mother-In-Law gave me several years ago! (yes in the first photo, the dress is surrounded by complete chaos...creative processes are truly messy sometimes - I am currently dealing with that aftermath so I can get back to work.)

mid way through paper dress construction antique hat finished mary poppins inspires dress in purple

The next item to construct was the paper petal wisteria that would become the backdrop for the carousel horse.  To me wisteria feels so magical, so it seemed like a good flower to add to the purple scheme.  I always love the amazing wisteria that is outside the YMCA that I pass walking to and from work.  Now I must admit however, this part of the project I developed a love/hate relationship with.  I think it took me close to two full days to construct these flowers.  The good part is they will keep and I can use them in another window some day......but for now, I do not wish to cut or string another petal for some time.....I think it took about 700-800 handmade petals to complete the look.  I really wanted more, but simply could not spare any more time on this part of the project.  

paper wisteria petalsfinished handmade paper wisteria plant

After this is was time for my little cartoon bluebirds to be painted on the windows to pay homage to my daughters love of animation. It's funny, with all the work that went into this window, these easy little cuties I think are the part that makes me smile the most. Sometimes it's the little things :)

outlining the painted bluebirds

Finished cartoon Bluebirds

You can see in the background here, I drew from the Mary Poppins fantasy carousel for the inspiration of the outlined architecture. The last of the details was making the purple pennants, stuffing some flower baskets, blowing up the balloons and putting it all together. After a six day process, I'm ready to get back to what I'm really supposed to be doing - making jewelry!

Thanks for reading through this lengthy journey :)  I hope to see you soon. 



finished carousel horse window finished Mary Poppins Window

Full effect of the finished window.  Mary Poppins Visits Roseland for the Carnival for a Cure.




April 07, 2016 by Erica Bapst

New Year, New Hours, New Goals, New Designs on the Horizon.

Hi Everyone :)

OK First things first.  The change in the hours.  Starting Jan 2, my new store hours will be Tuesday - Friday 10am-5pm and Saturday 10am - 4pm, Sunday, Monday Closed.

I am implementing these changes because I am looking for a better work/life balance.  In this minor schedule shift I will gain the precious gift of time with my family.  My daughter is growing up too quickly as I'm sure any parent out there understands. Last year she was finally old enough to not only realize that I was not around as much as I should be, but she was also strong enough to voice how troubled her to see my work schedule always came before her needs. 

*mothers heartbreak* 

I could go on and on about that topic.  Maybe another day.  Anyway, after much deliberation and weighing how it might effect you the customer, I feel the hours I have chosen will have the least inconvenience to you, but will have a tremendous positive impact my home life.    

Now on to the more exciting things.  I have just about finished re-configuring my studio and am completely revitalized and ready to start making some great new designs. 

Some of the designs that I started making right before the holidays were very well received and I plan on exploring and expanding on those concepts.  The one line in particular I am going to expand is the ginkgo theme.  The natural beauty of the leaves and inspirational message I have attached to them were the most loved of my designs over the past few months. 

Keep an eye out.  I'm hoping to make some more posts about the design and creation process.  Speaking of which, be sure to follow me on Instagram to get day by day insight into my inspiration and a peak into studio life. 

Of course with the new year, I always get very excited about setting new goals and coming up with new ideas.  With that will also come a re-vamp of the website, featuring the new designs that will soon be in production.  Hopefully the winter wont be as severe as last year, but if it is you will have some great new options so shop from your warm and cozy home! 

Every year I get very excited for the fresh outlook for the New Year and all the positive things that could be.   Time to make dreams a reality.  Here's to a better more positive year, filled with peace, joy and most importantly for me….balance ;)  (Not that I follow these things, but can't you tell I'm a Libra…lol I'm so textbook. )   I will leave you with a list of my resolutions.

Wishing you the very best New Year!

Much Love



    1. Be the best Mom, Artist, and business owner I can be (*In that order*) (There is no business without the art!)
    2. Sketch something every day.
    3. Keep the studio organized.
    4. Stretch.
    5. Don't let stress hijack another day, not to mention a year. (Good Riddance 2015)
    6. Work with the beads I already own. (stop buying and hoarding pretty beads)
    7. Read.
    8. Sing.
    9. Smile.
    10. Take time for peace and inspiration.  It will benefit everyone and is not "slacking".
    11. Be more efficient.
    12. Don’t take work home.
    13. Visit with friends, stop neglecting them before they disappear.
    14. Handwrite a letter to a loved one for no particular reason, once a month.
    15. Stay positive.


    December 31, 2015 by Erica Bapst


    Hello Again ♥

    At the beginning of the year I set some big goals for myself (as I do every year).  I as I suspect is true with a lot of people, I rarely keep them.  This year, I. AM. DETERMINED.

    Ok, Ok, yes I broke one of my resolutions right out of the gate.  I admit it.  My plan was to work with the materials I have already hoarded and not buy any more until absolutely necessary.  I have a problem.  I recognize that, but when it comes to beads, I just can't help myself! (So if you are a beader, stop in - There is a lot of new bead stock!)

    However, on all other accounts I have been sticking quite well to my goals.  I realized at the end of last year that I was letting my focus drift away from the creative side of my life. Sometimes being a business owner you get caught in the updraft of many other callings.  As wonderful as they may be, they have distracted from the true draw of my business - my creative endeavors.  I decided to get through the Christmas season and then hunker down in the studio and open my mind again.  I needed to gain back that side of me before it withered away completely.  I needed to start taking the time in the evening to sketch again.  I decided in order to achieve happiness again within design I needed to start experimenting with different techniques.  Even if that meant throwing efficiency out the window with trial and error. It seems imperative to get back in the state of mind to create something new and exciting again.  In order to do all of this, I needed to invest in myself again, to narrow the focus a bit.  (I just noticed I used the word NEEDED four times in a row.  It is a strong feeling, the need to fulfill the creative desire.  To me it is almost like breathing, or some other element of survival).  I spent the majority of January getting those ducks in a row.  Boy, am I having a blast and I think it is starting to show in the new work I am beginning to produce.   Most importantly, even if no one else feels the same way about these pieces I am creating, I feel like I am breathing again.

    So far I have been delving into the world of mixed media. Recently I have been highly influenced by different artists I have come across and follow on Instagram who weave beautiful earthy wall hangings.  It truly sparked a feeling and memory.  When I was studying at Syracuse I was fortunate enough to take many different fibers classes alongside my metalsmithing work.  Much of my portfolio actually consisted of experimenting with the marriage of metals and fibers.  I thought that might be a good place to jump back in with both feet.  Oh how I have missed it.  I have a feeling that this is just the beginning of something that I will enjoy exploring through the next few months.  

    Here's to a continued new year filled with wonderful possibilities and creative endeavors.  Stop back often to check out the new creations or follow my daily journey on Instagram.     Below are some work in progress photos from my new adventure!  

    See you soon!

    xo ~E

    Initial Sketches 

    Next I needed to saw out the shapes from jewelers brass. This piece actually yielded three pendants.  Yippee!


    It has been 14 years since I have worked on the loom.  So I had to pull deep from the memory banks.  Not only that, but I don't own a loom....sooo....where there is a will there is a way right? I decided to play MacGyver and make a mini one out of parts I had lying around. 

    Not bad for a first attempt.  Wishing I had some more interesting fibers though.  Looks like I have a trip to Expressions in Needleart in my near future. :)

    Finished Product.  I added some hand painted golden acrylic to tie the whole thing together.

    Here is a detail.


    While we are at it.  Here is the finished piece that was also in the sketch above :)

    Both pieces are available online while they last!

    February 06, 2015 by Erica Bapst