Delicate Things and Happy Accidents
Today was one of those days where it felt like everything I touched fell apart. I spent the better part of the day working and re-working two different pieces of jewelry that I just could not for the life of me get to solder correctly.
That is the problem when I try to add delicate details to pieces. Getting the heat to distribute enough while not melting the thin parts I often struggle with. Well, today was a struggle day but I refused to give up. I stuck with it and prevailed.
One piece turned into a major “make it work moment”. I thought I had finally soldered a ginkgo leaf stem to this very large setting and proceeded to set the amazing labradorite. I just finished setting the stone and I slipped with a tool and totally ripped the leaf stem right off !!!ARG!!! ... (again, total clutz today, everywhere I went there seemed to be wreckage) What was I going to do!?! Once a stone is in place you cannot solder any more. I had already spent two work days building this piece, I could not simply rip it apart to retrieve the stone. So I decided to find a way to cold connect the piece. I love it even more than my original plan. It was a happy accident for sure!
I can’t wait to share the pendants I am finishing up right now. I think you will love them.
If you happen to be having a crazy day like me, I hope any accident you have turns out to be a happy one as well :) !
Stay safe, be well.
Sending (((hugs)))