Party with a purpose!
Hello again!
Looks like I'm making a habit of this blog thing. (Finally getting it
In case you have not heard yet, I am aporoaching my 10 year anniversary! To those of you who may be new fan of Adorn, I started out on Coy St (right around the corner) so no I have not been in my current location for 10 years . I have been confusing all the newcomers with this announcement :) celebrate the best 10 years a girl could ask for I am throwing a big party and everyone is invited!
It will be held at the store on Saturday Oct 25 from 5-8. There will be yummy goodies, raffle items, live music and a red carpet entrance - if you want to wear something dazzling - lets have fun with it! Now comes the good part. During the party hours I will be donating 100% of the total sales (a few small restrictions apply) I will be splitting the donation between the FLCC Foundation and the Wood Library.
So why these two organizations you may ask. I believe they both are a huge asset to our community. They both offer so many ways to learn, grow and build the confidence of anyone who takes advantage of everything each place has to offer. When we build this confidence we in turn build a better community. One where people are not afraid to take that next step to success.
This is where my personal story fits in with my envolvment with the FLCC Foundation. I attended FLCC in 96-98. It changed everything for me. It was there that I realized my full potential. It was this almost magical place where I was able to pursue every creative outlet I desired. The small size allowed me to spend the whole day bopping from painting to designing on the computer to practicing the piano and back to work on some photography etc. The professors were masters of their skills and always available for mentoring. I was given the chance to focus on all the things I loved and gained a priceless amount of experience. I moved onto Syracuse University with great confidence, and have never forgotten the superior education I recieved at FLCC. It has been my mission to champion the place that forever changed my life. So please check out and see all the ways your contribution will help the experience of the students there.
Next up the Wood Library. It is truly a staple in our community, offering amazing programs to everyone of all ages. We are so fortunate to have such a wonderful resource in our midst. You really should take a look at the website to see all this organization offers to the people in our area. It is astonishing and too much for me to write out here. You should check it out for yourself
So come out, have some fun and support our community!